Center for Security Studies (KEMEA)

The Center for Security Studies (KEMEA) has been established by the Law 3387/2005 as the Hellenic Ministry’s of Public Order and Citizen Protection think tank on security policies.
KEMEA is supervised by the Minister of Public Order and Citizen Protection and it is a scientific, consulting and research agency, whose purpose is to conduct theoretical and applied research and to perform studies, particularly at the strategic level, on security policies. In 2011, KEMEA was appointed by Presidential Decree No39 (06.05.2011), as the “National Contact Point” for the protection of European Critical infrastructures (ECIs) - “ECIP contact point” – following the implementation of the 2008/114/EC Directive of the European Council of December 8th 2008 “regarding the definition and designation of the European Critical infrastructures and the assessment of the need to improve the protection of such infrastructures”.
KEMEA is authorized to provide professional certification through examinations (in cooperation with the National Organization for the Certification of Qualifications and Vocational Guidance-EOPPEP no 3200/09?02/2012) to Private Security personnel.
KEMEA represented the Hellenic Government to the European Research and Innovation Forum (ESRIF) of the European Commission (EC) and is a Member to the Board of Directors of the European Organization for Security (EOS). KEMEA is also successfully participating in many funded Projects by the EC and the European Space Agency (ESA).
In order to fulfill its mission, KEMEA:
a. Implements research projects and studies on homeland security relating to the Ministry of Public Order and Citizen Protection and its associated agencies as well as other foreign organisations.
b. Designs and carries out research projects as a representative of the Ministry of Public Order and Citizen Protection's subordinate organisations, on behalf of or in co-operation with respective EU, other state or international organisations according to the relevant rules and procedures.
c. Develops collaborations on a national and international level with organisations and agencies, research and education centers and foundations, social, academic and productive Bodies, public and private, as well as NGOs.
d. Studies criminality as a phenomenon along with its qualitative and quantitative trends in Greece as well as its geographic distribution. Additionally, KEMEA examines methods and practices which can help in the implementation of effective anti-crime policies.
e. Makes suggestions on the harmonisation of preventive and anti-crime measures with established constitutional principles, personal and civil rights, lawfulness and the respect of the value of individuals.
f. Monitors and studies the technological advancements of security systems and evaluates breakthroughs achieved.
g. Makes suggestions on the exploitation of the know-how it possesses.
h. Supports cross-border collaborations procedures.
i. Organises and conducts conventions, publishes research and general findings of scientific interest, conducts educational seminars, provides certified training on subjects pertaining to security and also designs and conducts certified studies on such subjects.
j. Performs various activities that pertain to the accomplishment of its goals.
k. Is a Certification body regarding procedures, studies, security plans, of various authorities and entities of the Public and Private Sector.